Monday, September 9, 2013

Powerlift training day 1: introduction to Wendler's 5/3/1 and my first military press day.

So I’ve decided to resurrect my blog per the request of a very good friend of mine so, this post is for you Priscilla.

This time around though, things are going to be a bit different. Previously, since this blog was created for a school project, I basically came up with any fitness related BS just so I could have something to post. Granted, each post had substance behind it and I didn’t plagiarize or anything like that, but my heart wasn’t really in it.

So, I’ve decided to go away from the random fitness blogging and chronicle my journey into the world of powerlifting. It’s been something I’ve been considering for some time, and with my recent acquisition of Jim Wendler’s  5/3/1 book, I’ve decided to dive in head first. Since each cycle of the program takes 8 weeks, I’m aiming for a November debut at a local meet. I mean look, I’m big, I’m strong, why not sling weights around like a gorilla and win trophies for doin it? God knows I don’t have the discipline to diet down to single digit body fat percentage so I can stand on stage and flex in a man thong, as much as I’d like to think I do. Although now I have to lift heavy weights wearing a wrestling singlet which probably isn't much better but whatever. I’ve been trying for years and it just aint happenin, sometimes the best thing you can do, is the opposite of what you’ve been doing.  

I just bought my first pair of powerlifting shoes, the Reebok Crossfit Lifters and tested them out for the first time today. It was military press day, so I didn’t get to experience the full benefit but I definitely felt like I had a solid foundation, which is important in any power lift. The one thing I can say though, is thanks to the badass black, grey, and red colorway, people were definitely mirin’ my kicks.

The one thing I did and will continue to struggle with however, is getting used to the lack of volume. For those of you that don’t know, powerlifting programs, 5/3/1 in particular, are WAAAYYY different than your traditional bodybuilding routines which focus more on volume than anything.  Normally I’d spend up to 2-3 hours in the gym, doing 3-5 sets of 5-6 exercises, beating the shit outta my body, followed by LISS cardio (low intensity, steady state).  Today, I was in and out of the gym in just over an hour, including my 10 minute warmup. I did 3 working sets of military press, each at a difference percentage of my one rep max, the final set going to failure with 85% of my 1RM. Then 5 sets of dips, 3 sets of KROC rows (sets of 20-40), and 3 sets of triceps pushdowns and I was done. It was so foreign to me that I texted my brother in disbelief like, “dude, I’m done with my workout and it’s only been an hour”. It’s going to take a lot of getting used to, but I’m focused, and dedicated to this program that’s worked for thousands of people and I’m gonna see it through. I’m not tryna be the one guy in the world that this time tested, proven program doesn’t work for, and I definitely don’t wanna be another guy who starts a program and quits cuz it’s outside of my comfort zone.  I’m really excited to see what kind of strength gains I can make and see what I can do on the platform, in front of the judge, and actual competition.

Tomorrow is Deadlift day, and deadlifts just happen to be my favorite exercise of them all, so I’m pretty excited. I’d like to apologize right now to anyone in the gym that I make uncomofortable. When I sling around heavy ass weight, like on deadlift day, my inner alpha douche comes out some and I walk around like I’m the mans. I grunt, I drop weights, I chug gallons of water, and I act like it impresses people. I know it doesn’t but it makes me feel good. So if you don’t like it, thas your problem, not mine. You can go workout at planet fitness if you want a peaceful gym experience.

 Anyway, that’s all for today I’ll follow up with another post tomorrow after deadlifts. Feel free to comment, share, like, follow and plus1, and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. Last and certainly not least remember, if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

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